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. 2014 Sep-Oct;30(5):1088–1093. doi: 10.12669/pjms.305.5504


The distribution of women with and without a history of domestic violence according to some factors related to marriage and addictions of husbands

Factors related to marrying/marriage History of domestic violence
Test value
X 2 ; p
n (%) *
n (%) *
n (%) **
Total 488 (61.0) 312 (39.0) 800 (100.0)
First marriage
Arranged marriage 239 (55.1) 195 (44.9) 434 (54.3) 24.041; 0.000
Marriage by mutual agreement 231 (70.9) 95 (29.1) 326 (40.8)
Marriage by eloping 18 (45.0) 22 (55.0) 40 (5.0)
The age at first marriage
>18 98 (51.9) 91 (48.1) 189 (23.6) 15.909; 0.003
18 84 (61.3) 53 (38.7) 137 (17.1)
19 79 (56.4) 61 (43.6) 140 (17.5)
20 93 (64.6) 51 (35.4) 144 (18.0)
21 134 (70.5) 56 (29.5) 190 (23.8)
Number of marriages
The first marriage 463 (62.2) 281 (37.8) 744 (93.0) 6.053; 0.014
2 25 (44.6) 31 (55.4) 56 (7.0)
Number of children
0 28 (65.1) 15 (34.9) 43 (5.4) 12.185; 0.016
1 81 (16.6) 30 (27.0) 111 (13.9)
2 188 (62.3) 114 (37.7) 302 (37.8)
3 113 (57.4) 84 (42.6) 197 (24.6)
4 or over 78 (53.1) 69 (46.9) 147 (18.4)
Smoking status
No-smoker 203 (71.5) 81 (28.5) 284 (35.5) 20.323; 0.000
Smoker 285 (55.2) 231 (44.8) 516 (64.5)
Alcohol consumption
No 432 (66.0) 223 (34.0) 655 (81.9) 37.283; 0.000
Yes 56 (38.6) 89 (61.4) 145 (18.1)
Habit of gambling
No 484 (62.1) 296 (37.9) 780 (97.5) 12.781; 0.000
Yes 4 (20.0) 16 (80.0) 20 (2.5)

Percent for the row,


Percent for the column