Figure 4.
Overexpression of Prx1 or Prx4 in A549 cells enhances their ability to form anchorage independent colonies in soft agar and increase their capability of invading through matrigel. (A) The protein coding regions of human Prx1, Prx2, Prx3 or Prx4 gene in HEK293T cells were reverse transcribed and amplified by PCR, and then cloned into the pCDNA3.1-Myc vector for protein expression; (B) Myc tagged Prx1, 2, 3 or 4 expression in A549 stable cells; (C-F) Anchorage independent colony formation in soft agar (C, D) and transwell invasion assay (E, F) using cells with stably overexpression of individual Prx.