Fig. 1.
ER stress induces autophagy of ER whorls. (A) Electron micrograph of untreated wild-type yeast. Black arrows indicate cortical ER elements. (B) Wild-type yeast treated with DTT for 3 h. Note the expanded peripheral ER (black arrows), cytoplasmic ER extensions (white arrows) and ring-shaped ER whorls inside the vacuole. (C,D) ER whorls at the cell cortex. Micrographs are from cells treated with DTT for 1 h. (E,F) Engulfment of ER whorls by the vacuolar membrane. Micrographs are from cells treated with DTT for 4 h, but similar uptake intermediates were observed from 1 h onwards. In E, note the invagination of the vacuolar membrane during whorl uptake. In F, note the continuity between the peripheral ER and an ER whorl that is partially sequestered in a vacuolar membrane invagination (white arrows). (G,H) ER whorls in the vacuole. Micrographs are from cells treated with DTT for 3 h. CW, cell wall; Cy, cytoplasm; N, nucleus; V, vacuole.