Figure 3.
Magnetic and structural property maps of Fe-Co-Mo composition spread: (a) out-of-plane hysteresis loops of Fe-Co-Mo samples for different compositions superimposed on the spread wafer positions; (b) typical out-of-plane (OOP, red) and in-plane (IP, black) hysteresis loops of Fe78.4Co10.8Mo10.8 sample with perpendicular anisotropy (1 emu/cc = 103 A/m, 1 Oe = 103/(4π) A/m); (c) Out-of-plane coercive field map of Fe-Co-Mo ternary alloys. (d) Clustering results of diffraction data using MST of Fe-Co-Mo ternary; (e) Intensity plot of x-ray diffraction patterns grouped by the clustering result (same color clusters as Fig. 3(d)); (f) Synchrotron X-ray diffraction spectrum (red) of Fe78Co11Mo11 and calculated X-ray diffraction spectrum (black) with P4/m tetragonal structure.