(A) FACS analysis for HER2 expression of A549, MDA, MDA-hHER2, and MDA-cHER2. (B) Detection of HER2 expression in MDA, MDA-hHER2, and MDA-cHER2 by qRT-PCR using species-specific HER2 primers (mean of triplicates ± SEM) (C). Cytotoxicity assays using NT (white) and HER2-CAR T cells (solid) as effectors, and A549, MDA, MDA-hHER2, MDA-cHER2, and canine T cells as targets. Only HER2-positive targets (A549, MDA-hHER2, and MDA-cHER were killed by HER2-CAR T cells (n=3, mean ± SEM, *p<0.001).