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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Sep 15.
Published in final edited form as: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Jun 15;(6):CD004718. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004718.pub3
Methods Allocation: ‘randomly assigned’.
Blinding: not reported.
Setting: psychiatric hospital, Suzhou, China.
Inclusion criteria: male, just discharged after first episode for schizophrenia, no other medical conditions.
Follow-up: 18 months.
Evaluation: by ‘attending physicians’ blind to allocation.
Participants Diagnosis: schizophrenia (Chinese Medical Association Criteria).
Age: mean 23.8.
Sex: all male.
History: mean DUP 34.6 months.
Interventions 1. Family psychoeducation in individual and group sessions plus standard out-patient care. N=42
2. Out-patient care. N=41.
Outcomes Readmitted.
Lost to follow-up.
Compliant with medication.
Unable to use -
Chlorpromazine equivalent dosage of medication: (not a clinical or social outcome).
Mental state: Chinese BPRS (excluded readmitted patients).
Overall functioning: Chinese GAS (excluded readmitted patients)
Notes First Episode Trial - phase-specific treatment plus standard care versus standard care
Risk of bias
Bias Authors’ judgement Support for judgement
Adequate sequence generation? Unclear risk Randomised, no further details.
Allocation concealment? Unclear risk No details.
All outcomes
High risk Not reported.
Incomplete outcome data addressed?
All outcomes
Low risk Study attrition reported.
Free of selective reporting? Unclear risk No details.
Free of other bias? Unclear risk No details.

CAARMS - Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States

COPS - Criteria of Prodromal Syndromes

DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

ICD-10 - International Classification of Diseases

SIPS - Structured Interview for Prodromal Syndromes

Rating Scales:

Mental state

BDI - Beck Depression Inventory

BPRS - Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale

CDRS - Calgary Depression Rating Scale

HRSA - Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety

HRSD - Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression

MADRS - Mongomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scale

PANSS - Positive and Negative Symptom Scale

POPS - Presence of Psychosis Scale

SANS - Schedule for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms

SOPS - Scale of Prodromal Symptoms

YMRS - Young Mania Rating Scale

YMS - Young Mania Scale

Global state

CGI - Clinical Global Impression

GAF - Global Assessment of Functioning

GAS - Global Adjustment Scale

Adverse effects

AIMS - Abnormal and Involuntary Movement Scales

BAS - Barnes Akathisia Scale

SAS - Simpson & Angus

User satisfaction

CSQ-8 - Client Satisfaction Questionnaire-8


APQ - Alcohol Problems Questionnaire

DUP - Duration of untreated psychosis

EM - Explanatory Model scale

EIPS - early initial prodromal state

GSI - General Symptom Index of the SCL-90-R

IS/O - Integration/Sealing Over

IPS - Individual Placement and Support

ITT - Intention to Treat

LOCF - Last Observation Carried Forward

MCQ - Meta-Cognitions Questionnaire

OLIFE - Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences

PACE - Personal Assessment and Crisis Evaluation

QLS - Quality of Life Scale

RCI - Reliable Change Index

SAC - Sociotropy - Autonomy Scale

TAU - Treatment as Usual

UHR - Ultra high risk (of developing psychosis)