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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Sep 15.
Published in final edited form as: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Jul 6;(7):CD002137. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002137.pub2
Methods RCT
Participants Adults with primary hyperlipoproteinaemia (Italy)
CVD risk: moderate
Intervention reduced fat: 33 randomised, 27 analysed
Intervention modified fat: 30 randomised, 17 analysed
Mean years in trial: reduced fat 0.4, modified fat 0.4
% male: reduced fat 82%, modified fat 63%
Age, years: reduced fat 47.4 mean (sd 10.3), modified fat 48.6 (sd 8.1)
Interventions Reduced fat vs Modified fat diet
Reduced fat aims: total fat 25%E, SFA 8%E, MUFA 15%, PUFA 2%, dietary chol <300mg/d, CHO 58%, protein 17%E, soluble fibre 41g/d
Modified fat aims: total fat 38%E, SFA <10%E, MUFA 20%E, PUFA 10%E, dietary chol<300mg/d, CHO 47%E, protein 15%E, soluble fibre 19g/d
Reduced fat methods:seen monthly by dietitian and doctor, feedback based on 7 day food diary each time
Modified fat methods: seen monthly by dietitian and doctor, feedback based on 7 day food diary each time
Total fat intake (at 5-6 months): low fat 27 (sd unclear)%E, mod fat 36 (sd unclear)%E
Saturated fat intake (at 5-6 months): low fat 6 (sd unclear)%E, mod fat 7 (sd unclear) %E
Style: diet advice
Setting: community
Outcomes Stated trial outcomes: metabolic effects
Data available on total mortality? yes (no events)
Cardiovascular mortality? yes (no events)
Events available for combined cardiovascular events: total MI, cardiovascular deaths, stroke (no events)
Secondary outcomes: stroke, total and non-fatal MI (no events for any outcomes)
Tertiary outcomes: total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, TGs
Risk of bias
Bias Authors’ judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Following 3 or 6 weeks compliance with control diet run-in, stratified block randomisation with tables of random numbers
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Randomisation method not clearly described
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias)
All outcomes
High risk None
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes
Unclear risk Unclear, deaths, cancer and CV events are drop-outs - unclear if any data missing
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Not relevant for primary and secondary outcomes as all trialists asked for data
Other bias Low risk
Free of systematic difference in care? Low risk Identical follow up. See Control and Intervention Methods in Interventions section of the Table of Characteristics of Included Studies
Free of dietary differences other than fat? High risk Some differences in soluble fibre intake