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. 2014 Sep 15;5:177. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2014.00177

Table 4.

Non-pharmacological interventions for fatigue in MS.

Study, year country Study design Potential intervention Outcome measures for fatigue Main findings Level of evidencea
Khan et al. 2011 (17, 31), Australia Systematic review, n = 10 trials (nine RCTs and one CCT) Extended MD outpatient rehabilitation Fatigue, frequency, FIS; MS-related symptom checklist composite score
  • Fatigue symptoms significantly

  • Improved social functioning and depression

Inpatient MD rehabilitation MSIS29, VAS
  • No significant benefits on perceived fatigue or disability level

Asano and Finlayson 2014 (11), Canada Meta-analysis, n = 10 RCTs Various types of exercises (progressive resistance, aerobic, inspiratory exercises, aquatic exercises, vestibular rehabilitation, and leisure exercises) FSS, MFIS, FIS
  • Significant beneficial effect in managing fatigue [pooled effect size (ES) was 0.57; 95% CI: 0.10–1.04, p = 0.02]

  • ES for the exercise interventions range: −0.24 (95% CI: −1.15 to 0.64) to 2.05 (95% CI: 1.00–3.11)

Latimer-Cheung et al. 2013 (42), Canada Systematic review, n = 54 trials (30 evaluating fatigue outcomes: 15 RCTs and 15 other design) Aerobic fitness; muscle strength (resistance training) and combined FSS, FIS, MFIS, SF-36 (vitality subscale), PMS (energy and fatigue subscales), MSQL-54 (energy subscale)
  • Aerobic exercise: significant improvements in some general fatigue symptoms but not specific symptoms after 2–6 months of light to moderate cycling for 40–60 min three times/week; decreases in general, physical, and psychological fatigue symptoms after 8 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic activities two times/week

  • Traditional resistance training: improvements in general symptomatic fatigue after a 12-week, two times/week resistance training program (8–15 RM); decreased fatigue overall or specifically physical and psychological fatigue after 8 weeks of moderate-intensity resistance training two times/week (6–15 RM)

  • Combined training programs: significant increase in vitality or decrease in fatigue severity after 5–8 weeks of supervised aerobic and resistance training performed at moderate to high intensity; significant improvements in fatigue symptoms or severity after 8–10 weeks of two to three times/week combined training

  • Other types of exercise (sport, yoga, body weight support treadmill training, aquatic exercise, cycling, and Pilates): a significant decrease on at least one indicator of fatigue (general or specific) symptoms

Andreasen et al. 2011 (39), Denmark Systematic review, n = 21 trials (11 RCTs, 1 CCT, 9 other design) Endurance training, resistance, training, combined training, or “other” training modalities FSS, MFI, MFIS, FCMC
  • Exercise therapy on MS fatigue show heterogeneous results and only few studies have evaluated MS fatigue as the primary outcome

  • All type of exercise modalities have potential to reduce MS fatigue

  • Not clear whether any exercise modalities are superior to others

Neill et al. 2006 (43), Australia Systematic review, n = 11 trials [combined for MS, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); various study design] Aerobic exercise, resistance training FIS, FSS, SF-36, POMS, VAS,
  • Aerobic exercise (home-based or supervised classes) is effective in managing fatigue for some people with MS, RA and SLE

  • Six studies reported statistically significant reductions in fatigue from aerobic exercise interventions

  • Low-impact aerobics, walking, cycling, and jogging were effective interventions

Aquatic therapy
Kargarfard et al. 2012 (50), Iran RCT, n = 32 women with MS Aquatic exercise: joint mobility, flexor and extensor muscle strength, balance movements (60 min session three times/week), control group: usual care MFIS, MSQL-54
  • Patients in the aquatic exercise group showed significant improvements in fatigue and QoL after 4 and 8 weeks (p = 0.002 and <0.001, respectively)

Castro-Sánchez et al. 2012 (48), Spain RCT, n = 73 pwMS Treatment group: aquatic Tai-Chi (40 sessions) (n = 36); control group: relaxation (n = 37) FSS, MFIS
  • Treatment group showed a significant score reduction in fatigue at week 20 (p < 0.032) that was maintained at week 24 (p < 0.038)

  • An improvement was shown by 48% of the treatment group

  • Significant improvement in pain, spasms, disability, fatigue, and depression was also reported in treatment group

Bayraktar et al. 2013 (53), Turkey CCT, n = 23 pwMS Treatment group: aquatic Tai-Chi (n = 15); control group: exercise at home (n = 8) FSS
  • Significant in reduction in fatigue in the treatment group (p < 0.05)

  • Improvement in balance, functional mobility, upper and lower extremity muscle strength was also noted in treatment group (p < 0.05)

Tai chi
Castro-Sánchez et al. 2012 (48), Spain RCT, n = 73 pwMS Treatment group: aquatic Tai-Chi (40 sessions) (n = 36); control group: relaxation (n = 37) FSS, MFIS See “Aquatic Therapy” section above II
Bayraktar et al. 2013 (53), Turkey CCT, n = 23 pwMS Treatment group: aquatic Tai-Chi (n = 15); control group: exercise at home (n = 8) FSS See “Aquatic Therapy” section above III-1
Mills et al. 2000 (56), UK Comparative study, n = 8 pwMS Tai Chi/QiGong along with the teaching QiGong self-massage. TuiNa and daily home practice for 30 min POMS, 21-Item symptom checklist
  • Significant improvements in fatigue post intervention

Cooling devices
Beenakker et al. 2001 (57), Netherlands RCT, n = 10 Wearing cooling garment for 60 min at 7°C (active cooling); control group: 26°C (sham cooling). MFIS
  • Beneficial effect of cooling therapy in reducing fatigue, improving postural stability and muscle strength in pwMS

White et al. 2000 (58), USA RCT, n = 6 pwMS Immersing participants’ lower body regions in water baths at 16–17°C for 30 min before training FIS
  • Reduced fatigability during training sessions (p < 0.05)

  • Fewer heat-induced symptoms such as ataxia, blurred vision, and foot drop during exercise preceded by cooling

Pulsed electro-magnetic devices
Lappin et al. 2003 (60), USA RCT, n = 117 pwMS “Enermed” – active low-level, pulsed electro-magnetic field device worn up to 24 h daily on one or more acupressure points for up to 4–8 weeks MSQLI
  • Statistically significant decreases in fatigue for the intervention groups (0.05)

  • Overall QoL significantly greater on the active device group

  • No treatment effects for bladder control and a disability composite, and mixed results for spasticity

Richards et al. 1997 (61), USA RCT, n = 33 pwMS “Enermed” – see above Patient-reported performance scales
  • Significant improvement in the performance scale (PS) combined rating for bladder control, cognitive function, fatigue level, mobility, spasticity, and vision (active group –3.83 ± 1.08, p < 0.005; placebo group –0.17 ± 1.07, change in PS scale)

Asano and Finlayson 2014 (11), Canada Meta-analysis, n = 8 RCTs Various types of psychologi-cal/educational interventions (fatigue management program, energy conservation course, CBT, mindfulness intervention) FSS, MFIS, FIS
  • Significant beneficial effect in managing fatigue [pooled effect size (ES) was 0.54; 95% CI: 0.30–0.77, p < 0.001]

  • ES for the educational interventions range: from -0.16 (95% CI: -0.72 to 0.38) to 1.11 (95% CI: 0.43 to 1.78)

Neill J et al. 2006 (43), Australia Systematic review, n = 15 trials (combined for MS, RA and SLE; various study design design) Education programs, energy conservation, self-management, fatigue management program, CBT FIS, FSS, SF-36, POMS, VAS,
  • Behavioral interventions appeared effective in reducing fatigue

  • Education alone or with exercise reduced fatigue and increased vitality in pwMS

  • Rehabilitation program and counseling were effective in reducing fatigue

Fatigue management programs
Thomas et al. 2013 (70), UK RCT, n = 164 pwMS Group-based interactive program for managing MS-fatigue [fatigue: applying cognitive behavioral and energy effectiveness techniques to lifestyle (FACETS] (90-min sessions weekly for 6 weeks facili-tated by two health pro-fessionals (n = 84); control group (n = 80) usual care) FAI, MSFS
  • At 1-month post intervention: significant differences favoring the intervention group on fatigue self-efficacy (mean difference = 9; 95% CI 4–14; ES = 0.54, p = 0.001).

  • At 4 months follow-up: positive effects of the program still remained significant with moderated effect size (ES = 0.36; p = 0.05; mean difference = 6; 95% CI 0–12); significant improvement in fatigue severity was also found in intervention group (p = 0.01)

Thomas et al. 2014 (64), UK RCT, n = 164 pwMS Same as above Same as above
  • At 1-year follow-up: benefits of the FACETS program for fatigue severity and self-efficacy mostly sustained (ES = -0.29, p = 0.06 and 0.34, p = 0.09, respectively); additional significant improvements in QoL (p = 0.046)

Kos et al. 2007 (34), Belgium RCT, n = 51 pwMS Multi-disciplinary fatigue management program: interactive educational sessions about possible strategies to manage fatigue and reduced energy levels (four 2 h sessions/week) (n = 28); control group: placebo MFIS
  • No efficacy in reducing the impact of fatigue compared to a placebo intervention program (ES = −0.16)

Energy conservation interventions
Blikman et al. 2013 (65), Netherlands Systematic review, n = 6 trials (four RCTs and two CCTs) Energy conservation interventions: education about balancing, modifying and prioritizing activities, rest, self-care, effective communication, biomechanics, ergonomics, and environmental modification FIS
  • Energy conservation interventions were more effective than no treatment in improving subscale scores of FIS: cognitive mean difference (MD = −2.91; 95% CI, −4.32 to −1.50), physical (MD = −2.99; 95% CI, −4.47 to −1.52), and psychosocial (MD = −6.05; 95% CI, −8.72 to −3.37)

  • QoL scores on physical, social function and mental health (also improved significantly in treatment group

  • None of the studies reported long-term results

Mindfulness-based interventions
Simpson et al. 2014 (66), UK Systematic review, n = 3 trials (two RCTs and one CCT) Mindfulness-based interventions: mindful breath awareness, mindful movement, and body awareness or “scanning” MFIS, POM
  • Significantly beneficial effect on fatigue scores

  • One RCT found significant post-intervention reduction in fatigue in both overall population and in subgroup analyses of those with pre-intervention impairment (p < 0.001 for both).

  • Beneficial effect maintained at 6 months

Cognitive and psychological interventions
Moss-Morris et al. 2012 (68), UK RCTn = 40 pwMS Intervention group (n = 23): internet-based cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) – “MS Invigor8” (eight tailored, interactive sessions with a clinical psychologist over 8–10 weeks)Control group (n = 17): standard care MFIS
  • Significant greater improvements in fatigue severity and impact; and also in anxiety, depression and quality-adjusted life years in treatment group

van Kessel et al. 2008 (69), New Zealand RCTn = 72 Treatment group (n = 35): CBT (eight weekly sessions)Control group (n = 37): relaxation therapy CFS, MFIS
  • Both groups showed clinically significant decreases in fatigue

  • Significantly greater improvements in fatigue in treatment group (p < 0.02) compared to relaxation therapy group: ES = 3.03 (95% CI 2.22–3.68) for the CBT group across 8 months compared with the relaxation therapy group (ES 1.83; 95% CI 1.26–2.34)


aLevels of evidence’ categorized according to National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) pilot program 2005–2006 for intervention studies (23).

CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; CCT, clinical controlled trial; CFS, Chalder fatigue scale; ES, effect size; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; FAI, fatigue assessment instrument; FSMC, fatigue scale for motor and cognitive functions; FSS, fatigue severity scale; FIS, fatigue impact scale; MFIS, modified fatigue impact scale; MSFS, multiple sclerosis-fatigue self-efficacy; MSIS, multiple sclerosis impairment scale; MSIS29, multiple sclerosis impact scale; MSQL-54, multiple sclerosis quality of life-54 MFI, multidimensional fatigue inventory; POMS, profile of mood states; QoL, quality of life; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SF-36, short-form health survey-36, VAS, visual analog scales.