Methods |
RCT. |
Participants |
85 women. Singleton, cephalic, Bishop score > 4. |
Interventions |
IV oxytocin
vaginal PGE2 3 mg x1, then IV oxytocin 4hrs later if still not in labour. |
Outcomes |
C/S, serious maternal morbidity or death, cervix unfavourable after 12‐24 hrs, uterine hyperstimulation without FHR changes, instrumental vaginal delivery, Apgar score < 7 at 5 minutes, maternal side effects, postpartum haemorrhage. |
Notes |
No mention of randomisation technique or allocation concealment. |
Risk of bias |
Bias |
Authors' judgement |
Support for judgement |
Adequate sequence generation? |
High risk |
Allocation concealment? |
Unclear risk |
Not clear whether allocation could be anticipated by those recruiting women to the study. |
Women |
High risk |
Different treatment regimes. |
clinical staff |
High risk |
outcome assessor |
High risk |
Incomplete outcome data addressed?
All outcomes |
Low risk |
Free of selective reporting? |
Low risk |