FIG. 3.
The Isu proteins are required for the maturation of cytosolic Fe/S proteins. Wild-type and Gal-ISU1/Δisu2 cells were transformed with the plasmid p426GPD carrying the gene encoding Rli1p-HA. Cell growth, radiolabeling with 55Fe, and immunoprecipitation using antibodies against Leu1p (α-Leu1p) or the HA tag (α-Rli1p-HA) were performed as described in the legend to Fig. 2A. Control immunoprecipitations were performed with preimmune serum (PIS). The insets show the amounts of Leu1p, Rli1p-HA, and Isu1p in Gal-ISU1/Δisu2 cells detected by immunostaining. Standard deviations were estimated from five independent experiments.