Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Infants.
Characteristics | Results |
No. of infants/eyes | 343/684 |
BW (g) | 928±192 |
GA (wks) | 27.2±2.1 |
Born in the study hospital (%) | 96.8 |
Singleton births (%) | 74.9 |
Non-black race (%) | 60.1 |
Male (%) | 48.4 |
Per capita income ($, thousands) | 20.4±8.0 |
Threshold ROP (infants/eyes) | 33/63 |
ROP warranting surgery (infants/eyes) | 36/68 |
SROP (infants/eyes) | 40/76 |
BW = birth weight; GA = gestational age; ROP = retinopathy of prematurity; SROP = severe retinopathy of prematurity.
Plus-minus values are means ± standard deviations. Eyes with ROP warranting surgery included those with classic threshold ROP in zone I or II and a few eyes with type 1 prethreshold ROP in zone I or posterior zone II that examiners chose to treat because of high risk of poor outcome. SROP was defined as ROP warranting surgery or type 1 prethreshold ROP in zone I because some eyes with type 1 prethreshold ROP in zone I were not treated at that level of disease and spontaneously regressed or progressed to threshold ROP and were then treated.