Fig. 4.
Fitting model and experimental response distributions. (a) Histogram of experimental A/C AMPA receptor response properties PV, TTP, and HHW overlaid with the corresponding distribution of model responses both with no additional variability (dotted lines) and with added variability to fit experimental response property distributions (solid lines). See section 2 for details of the fitting procedure. 0.5% of perturbed responses were eliminated based on limits on perturbed PV, TTP, or HHW. (b–d) Respectively, histograms and densities for PP AMPA, A/C NMDA, and PP NMDA receptor responses as above. Respectively, 2.7%, 8.5%, and 19.4% of the perturbed responses were eliminated from the sample. σ provides the standard distribution of a normally distributed variation and δ is the standard deviation of variability added to ln(PV). p-values are from a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test comparing experimental and model distributions. p− compares model and experiment without additional variability and p+ compares model plus additional variability with experimental results. In panels (a) and (b), an experimental sweep was removed as an outlier prior to fitting and plotting