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. 2014 Jun 3;15(5):767–787. doi: 10.1007/s10162-014-0465-9

FIG. 13.

FIG. 13

Magnitudes as a function of time for the fundamental component using the Gabor transform (see “METHODS”) of the most relevant signals in Figure 12: CM (black dotted trace; from Fig. 12B(a), post-TTX), unmasked probe response (red dotted trace; from Fig. 12A(a), pre-TTX), RW-ttxNP (green trace; from Fig. 12D, green trace), recovering masked RW-ttxNP (green dotted trace; from Fig. 12B(b)) with idealized trend (faint gray trace), pre-TTX RW-dNP (red trace; from Fig. 12C(a)) and post-TTX RW-dNP (black trace; from Fig. 12C(b)). Additionally, two other kinds of noise levels, the mean background noise (horizontal dashed dotted lines) and the noise floor (dotted lines; ~maximum noise level, threshold neurophonic) of the RW-dNP pre-TTX (red) and post-TTX (black) and also a trace representing the masking factor (blue trace) with its fitted slope (blue dashed line) are included; the blue arrow is the estimated neural steady-state value based on the masking slope determined at 0 ms. The masking factor is the ratio between the pre-TTX RW-dNP and neurophonic (cf. Fig. 7B). The green dashed line is the steady-state neurophonic.