Table 2.
Psychometric characteristics of the performance-based clinical assessments of walking function.
Assessment | Psychometric properties | Subjects | Results |
DGI (Lin et al. 2010 [71]) | Sensitivity, TrT, and C-validity | 45 after stroke, 48 for TrT | MDC = 4 points, TrT ICC = 0.91–0.97, validity DGI wrt 4-item DGI and FGA r > 0.91 |
| |||
DGI (Jonsdottir and Cattaneo 2007 [72]) | TrT, InterRR, and C-validity | 25 postchronic stroke | TrT ICC = 0.96, InterRR ICC = 0.96, validity DGI wrt BBS r = 0.83, wrt ABC r = 0.68 |
| |||
DGI (Romero et al. 2011 [73]) | Sensitivity | 42 community-dwelling elderly | MDC = 2.9 points |
| |||
DGI (Shumway-Cook et al. 1997 [74]) | C-Validity | 44 community-dwelling elderly | DGI wrt BBS r = 0.67, wrt balance self-perceptions test r = 0.76 |
| |||
DGI Danish version (Jønsson et al. 2011 [75]) | InterRR, IntraRR | 24 hospitalized adults 26 adults in outpatient rehab |
Hospitalized InterRR ICC = 0.92, IntraRR ICC = 0.90; outpatients InterRR ICC = 0.82, IntraRR ICC = 0.89 |
| |||
DGI (Huang 2011) | Sensitivity, TrT | 72 adults with PD | MDC = 2.9 points, TrT ICC = 0.84 |
| |||
DGI (Cakit et al. 2007 [76]) | C-validity | 31 adults with PD | DGI wrt UPDRS motor subscale r = −0.57, wrt history of falls r = 0.64 |
| |||
DGI (Hall and Herdman 2006 [77]) | TrT | 16 adults with vestibular disorders | TrT ICC = 0.86 |
| |||
DGI (Whitney et al. 2000 [78]) | C-validity | 30 adults with vestibular disorders | DGI wrt BBS r = 0.71 |
| |||
DGI (Marchetti et al. 2014 JNPT [79]) | Sensitivity | 326 adults with balance and vestibular disorders | MDC = 4 points |
| |||
FGA (Lin et al. 2010 [71]) | Sensitivity, TrT, Cand -validity | 45 after stroke | MDC = 4.2 points, TrT ICC = 0.95, FGA wrt 10MWT r = −0.66, wrt PASS r = −0.83 |
| |||
FGA German version (Thieme et al. 2009 [80]) | InterRR, IntraRR, and C-validity | 28 after stroke | InterRR ICC = 0.94, IntraRR ICC = 0.97, FGA wrt FAC r = 0.83, wrt gait speed r = 0.82, wrt BBS r = 0.93, wrt RMI r = 0.85, wrt Barthel index r = 0.71 |
| |||
FGA (Walker et al. 2007 [81]) | InterRR | 200 healthy adults | InterRR ICC = 0.93 |
| |||
FGA (Leddy et al. 2011 [82]) | TrT, InterRR | 24 adults with PD, 15 for InterRR | TrT ICC = 0.91, InterRR ICC = 0.93 |
| |||
FGA (Wrisley and Kumar 2010 [83]) | C-validity | 35 community-dwelling elderly | FGA wrt BBS r = 0.84, wrt TUGT r = 0.84, wrt ABC scale r = 0.53 |
| |||
FGA (Ellis et al. 2011 [84]) | C-validity | 262 adults with PD | FGA wrt BBS r = 0.77, wrt PDQ-39 r = −0.57, wrt functional reach r = 0.52 |
| |||
FGA (Wrisley et al. 2004 [85]) | InterRR, IntraRR, and C-validity | 6 adults with vestibular disorders | InterRR ICC = 0.84, IntraRR ICC = 0.83, FGA wrt ABC scale r = 0.64, wrt TUGT r = −0.50, wrt DGI r = 0.80, wrt dizziness handicap inventory r = −0.64, wrt perception dizziness symptoms r = −0.70 |
| |||
FGA (Marchetti et al. 2014 JNPT [79]) | Sensitivity | 326 adults with balance and vestibular disorders | MDC = 6 points |
| |||
mEFAP (Liaw et al. 2006 [86]) | TrT, C-validity | 20 postchronic stroke for TrT 40 postsubacute stroke for C-Validity |
TrT ICC = 0.99, mEFAP wrt Barthel Index r = −0.52, wrt Rivermead Index r = −0.78 |
| |||
mEFAP (Baer and Wolf 2001 [87]) | TrT, InterRR, and C-validity | 26 after stroke | TrT ICC = 0.99, InterRR ICC = 0.99, mEFAP wrt BBS r = −0.70, wrt Functional assessment measure r = −0.78 |
| |||
SCI-FAP (Musselman and Yang 2014 [88]) | Sensitivity | 20 adults with incomplete SCI | MDC = 96 points |
| |||
SCI-FAP (Musselman et al. 2011 [89]) | TrT, InterRR | 22 adults with incomplete SCI | TrT ICC = 0.98, InterRR ICC = 1.0, |
| |||
Hi-MAT (Williams et al. 2006 [90]) | Sensitivity, C-validity | 103 adults with BI | MDC = +4 points, −2 points, Hi-MAT wrt motor FIM r = 0.53, wrt gross function rivermead motor assessment r = 0.87 |
| |||
Hi-MAT (Williams et al. in PTJ 2006 [91]) | TrT, InterRR | 103 adults with BI 20 adults with BI for TrT 17 adults with BI for InterRR |
TrT ICC = 0.99, InterRR ICC = 0.99 |
| |||
CB&M (Balasubramanian 2014 [92]) | InterRR, IntraRR, and C-validity | 40 community dwelling elderly 37 for C-validity wrt 6MWT 36 for C-validity wrt gait speed |
InterRR ICC = 0.95, IntraRR ICC = 0.96, CB&M wrt DGI r = 0.79, wrt BBS r = 0.87, wrt SPPB r = 0.75, wrt 6MWT r = 0.71, wrt TUGT r = −0.69, wrt gait speed r = 0.65, wrt ABC r = 0.47, wrt functional reach test r = 0.35 |
| |||
CB&M (Inness et al. 2011 [93]) | C-validity | 35 adults with BI | CB&M wrt gait velocity r > 0.67, wrt ABC r = 0.60 |
| |||
CB&M (Wright et al. 2010 [94]) | Sensitivity, TrT, and InterRR | 32 youths with BI | MDC = 13.5% points, TrT ICC = 0.90, InterRR ICC = 0.93 |
| |||
CB&M (Howe et al. 2006 [95]) | TrT, InterRR, and IntraRR | 32–36 adults with BI | TrT ICC = 0.98, InterRR ICC = 0.98, IntraRR ICC = 0.98 |
| |||
CB&M (Knorr et al. 2010 [96]) | C-validity | 44 after stroke | CB&M wrt Chedoke McMaster stroke assessment r = 0.63 (leg), r = 0.61 (foot) |
| |||
WIT (Bandinelli et al. 2006 [97]) | TrT | 30 community-dwelling elderly | TrT ICC ≥ 0.75 for 13 of 14 items |
| |||
SWOC (Rubenstein et al. 1997 [31]) | TrT, InterRR, and C-validity | 58 community-dwelling elderly men | TrT ICC = 0.93, InterRR ICC 0.81–1.0, obstacle course-R wrt gait velocity r = 0.61, wrt 6MWT r = 0.56, wrt POMA Gait score 0.52, wrt, POMA balance r = 0.42 |
| |||
Obstacle course (Means 1996 [32]) | C-validity | 237 community-dwelling elderly | Obstacle course-M wrt medical conditions r = −0.41, wrt number of medications r = −0.29 |
| |||
SOMAI (Tang et al. 1998 [98]) | C-validity | 27 community-dwelling elderly | SOMAI normal vision condition wrt 6 SOT conditions r = 0.21–0.53, SOMAI focal vision wrt 6 SOT conditions r = 0.20–0.59 |
| |||
MTT∗∗ |
TrT, test-retest reliability; C-validity, criterion validity; InterRR, intertester reliability; IntraRR, intratester reliability DGI, dynamic gait index; FGA, functional gait assessment; mEFAP, modified Emory functional ambulation profile; SCI-FAP, spinal cord injury functional ambulation profile; Hi-MAT, high-level mobility assessment test; CB&M, community balance and mobility scale; SOMAI, sensory-oriented mobility assessment instrument; WIT, walking InCHIANTI toolkit; SWOC, standardized walking obstacle course developed by Rubenstein and colleagues; obstacle course, obstacle course developed by Means and colleagues; MTT, multiple task test; PD, Parkinson's disease; BI, brain injury; SCI, spinal cord injury; wrt, with respect to; MDC, minimal detectable change; 6MWT, 6-minute walk test; BBS, Berg balance scale; ABC, activities-specific balance confidence scale; UPDRS, unified Parkinson's disease rating scale; PASS, posture assessment scale for stroke patients; TUGT, timed up and go test; RMI, Rivermead mobility index; POMA, Tinetti performance-oriented mobility assessment; FIM, functional index measure; SPPB, short physical performance battery.
∗∗Developed for persons with Parkinson's disease. Quantitative data and strategies for persons with Parkinson's disease are reported. However, no specific psychometric characteristics have been reported.