Figure 2.
Example of measurements of femoral and tibial TKA component placement in the sagittal plane with respect to the femoral and tibial anatomical axes, respectively, according to Petersen and Engh (1988) and as used by e.g. Ritter et al. (2011). Flexion of the femoral component is measured as the angle (FF) between the line across the bottom of the femoral implant and the femoral shaft axis. FF = 90 corresponds to neutral placement, FF > 90 corresponds to femoral component in extension, and FF < 90 corresponds to femoral component in flexion.
Tibial slope* is measured as the angle (TS) between the line across the bottom of the tibial plate and the tibial shaft axis. TS = 90 correponds to neutral placement, TS > 90 corresponds to anterior tibial slope*, and TS < 90 corresponds to posterior tibial slope*.
* Some component types have posterior slope built into the implant design.