Trial name or title | Effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention for increasing physical activity in adults with schizophrenia |
Methods | Allocation: randomised. Blinding: single. Duration: unclear, no details provided. Setting: San Diego, CA. |
Participants | Diagnosis: schizophrenia. N = 86 (expected enrolment). Age: unclear, no details provided. Sex: unclear, no details provided. |
Interventions | Physical activity and leisure Group: 90minute sessions conducted weekly for the first 16 weeks, then biweekly for the following 8 weeks. Sessions will focus on short and long term goals, learning about physical activity, and playing leisure activities (e.g., board games). Participants will also have opportunities to socialise with each other Control Group: unclear, no details provided. |
Outcomes | Physical Fitness. Cardiovascular Measures. Weight. BMI. Qualifty of Life. |
Starting date | June 2006. |
Contact information | Laurie Lindamer UC San Diego 858 552 8585 x3870 |
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