Table 1.
Four kinds of reliability (Cranford et al., 2006), with descriptions and design examples
Description | Design Decision Question | Empirical Example | |
I. Between subjects at the same occasion of measurement |
Cross-sectional, single occasion |
How many days of data are required to construct a reliable measure of differences between people measured at the same occasion? |
Finding: Education correlated negatively with diurnal cortisol slope (Cohen et al., 2006). Sampling: 5 samples per day, 1 day, 781 participants |
II. Between subjects at different occasions of measurement |
Cross-sectional, different occasions |
How many days of data are required to construct a reliable measure of between people measured at different occasions? |
Finding: Psychological and sleep variables measured once were unrelated to diurnal cortisol mean, slope, or AUC measured once in breast cancer patients at varied points post-diagnosis (Carlson et al., 2007) Sampling: 4 samples per day, 1 day, 33 participants |
III. Between subjects across multiple occasions |
Longitudinal or repeated measures, multiple occasions |
How many days of data over how many time points are required construct a reliable measure of stable differences between people? |
Finding: A personality subscale of the SCL-90 measured at one time point significantly correlated with mean basal cortisol levels averaged across 3–6 years (Lupien et al., 1996) Sampling: 24 samples per day, 1 day, 3–6 occasions, 19 participants |
IV. Within subjects, change across occasions |
Longitudinal or repeated measures, multiple occasions |
How many days of data at each time point are required construct a reliable measure of differences between occasions within the same person? |
Finding: Foster children receiving an intervention had steeper diurnal cortisol slopes over time; children in regular foster care had flatter slopes over time (Fisher et al., 2007). Sampling: 2 samples per day, 2 days, 12 occasions, 117 participants Note: A latent variable was used to isolate occasion from day variance |
Note: See Kudielka and colleagues (2012) for design considerations regarding within-day research questions such as those associated with ecological momentary assessment