Cortical UP and DOWN states. (A) In vivo intracellular recording from a pyramidal neuron in the rat medial prefrontal cortex. Adapted from Branchereau et al. (1996). (B) In vitro whole-cell recording from a pyramidal neuron in the rat medial prefrontal cortex (brain slice). Glutamate pulses (duration 5 ms) were delivered every second on a basal dendritic branch, at a distance of 105 μm from the cell body. Dashed line marks the resting potential (-59 mV). Note that the slow component of somatic depolarization alternates between depolarized (UP) and hyperpolarized (DOWN) level. (C) Composite microphotograph of a rhodamine-filled neuron. Schematic drawing marks the position of the glutamate stimulation pipette on a basal dendrite. Adapted from Antic et al. (2007).