Figure 5.
Hearing loss and HC loss in neomycin-treated XIAP overexpression mice. (A1) Representative confocal images of myo7a immunofluorescence in cochlear whole mounts of XIAP overexpression and WT mice treated with neomycin or saline (control) between P8 and P14 (Group 2) and sacrificed at P30. ABR measurement (A2) and myo7a+ HC quantification (A3) of P30 XIAP overexpression and WT mice treated with neomycin or saline (control) between P8 and P14. (B1) Representative confocal images of myo7a and cleaved-caspase-3 immunofluorescence in cochlear whole mounts of XIAP overexpression and WT mice treated with neomycin or saline (control) between P8 and P14 (Group 2) and sacrificed at P17. (B2,B3) The quantification of caspase-3+ cells (B2) and caspase-3+/myo7a+ cells (B3) in the three cochlear turns of XIAP overexpression and WT mice treated with neomycin or saline (control) between P8 and P14 (Group 2) and sacrificed at P17. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 vs. WT neomycin, n = 3. Scale bar in A = 10 μm.