Figure 5. The experimental setup of the proposed PBSs and measured near electric-field distributions at 10 GHz.
(a) The back view of the experimental setup, in which an isotropic GRIN planar lens antenna is used as the excitation with the electric-field polarization of Φ = 45°. (b) The side view of the experimental setup, in which the fabricated sample is placed on the top of a linear stage. (c–e) The measured near electric fields for the vertical polarizations of the planar metamaterial antenna, AMS1, and AMS1 plus AMS2, in which θ1 = 30°. (f–h) The measured near electric fields for the horizontal polarizations of the planar metamaterial antenna, AMS1, and AMS1 plus AMS2, in which θ1 = θ2 = 30°.