Immunohistochemical stainings for sestrin 2 and P-S6RP in anti- glomerular basement membrane (GBM) antibody-induced glomerulonephritis. Wistar-Kyotot rats were injected with anti-GBM antibody, and kidney sections were examined on day 0 (A, C, E, and G) and day 10 (B, D, F, and H). A and B: PAS staining. Cellular crescents were observed on day 10 (arrows in B). C and D: sestrin 2. Sestrin 2 expression was not detected in the area of the crescent formation (arrows in D). E and F: P-S6RP. Strong P-S6RP expression was detected within the crescents (arrows in F). G and H: CD44 expression was observed within the crescents (arrow in H) and PECs at the noncrescentic area (arrowheads in H). Original magnification: ×400.