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. 2014 Oct;104(10):e11–e30. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302129


Studies Included in the Systematic Review Exploring the Effect of the Exposure to Pictorial Warnings on Cigarette Packages on Attempt to Quit Smoking: 1993–2013

Author, Study Area, and Study Period Design and Sample Outcome Definition Exposure Assessment Analyses Measure and Adjustment Main Results Quality,a Finding,b and Remarks
Hammond et al.,25 southwest Ontario, CAN, 2001–2002c Prospective cohort; n = 432 Any attempt to quit smoking that lasted ≥ 24 h in 3 mo follow-up Depth of cognitive processing of PWCP, 9 items (5-point Likert scale), Q exposure (reduction only) Logistic regression OR; no adjustment for attempt only (Q analyses) 23.1% attempted at follow-up Fair, null
Q1, Ref; Q2, OR = 1.21 (95% CI = 0.44, 3.36); Q3, 1.28 (0.46, 3.50); Q4, 1.37 (0.50, 3.70) Increasing trend from Q2–Q4 of PWCP cognitive processing on attempt in nonadjusted quartile analyses
Christie and Etter,26 Switzerland, France, Belgium, 2001 Pre–post; n = 365 ≥ 1 quit attempt lasting ≥ 24 h in prior 4 wk (yes–no) 3 wk after online survey 4 cig boxes (addiction, passive smoking, health risks, smell) were sent to smokers who used them ∼21 d; evaluation 1 mo after getting the boxes χ2 test Proportions; no adjustments Pre–post change, quit attempt proportion, 27% vs 22%, P > .05; pre–post difference across boxes: passive smoking, −1%; health risk, −7%; bad breath, +2%; addiction, −15%* Poor, null
Addiction even decreased attempt proportion sig. after exposure
Hammond et al.,27 southwest Ontario, CAN, 2001–2002c Prospective cohort; n = 432 followed Cessation-related behavior (including attempt lasting ≥ 24 h in past 3 mo) Avoidance (no vs covering, hiding, avoiding PWCP) and emotional reaction (Likert scale) for extent of fear and disgust at BL; assessment 9 mo after full PWCP implementation Logistic regression OR; adjusted for daily cigarettes, smoking years, intention to quit, prior quit attempts, gender, age, education Avoidance: AOR = 0.86 (95% CI = 0.56, 1.32) Poor, mixed
Emotional reactions: AOR =  1.37 (95% CI = 1.15, 1.64) Pooled outcome
Environics Research Group Ltd.,28 CAN, 2000–2004 Repeated survey; n = 1002 smokers Times stopped smoking ≥ 24h in past y Implementation of PWCP in January 2001; all brands in June 2001 None Proportion; no adjustments 2000 (before PWCP), 60%; 2001 (1 y after), 60%; 2002, 67%; 2003, 67%; 2004, 65% Fair, uncertain—report
Borland et al.,32 AUS, UK, CAN, US, 2002–2006 Survey-based cohort; wk 1–2 2371/6525 (attempt/total), wk 2–3 2138/5257, wk 3–4 1823/4439, wk 4–5 1273/3993 Attempt to quit for ≥ 24 h since prior wave since previous wave out of the total In relation to PWCP: salience, 2 items (noticed, read, or looked past month); cognitive response, 3 items (made think of health risk, more likely to quit, think about quitting in next 6 mo); forgoing cigs (ever–never); avoiding (yes–no); 4 items (covering, keep of sight, using case, avoid labels) Logistic regression OR; adjusted for age, gender, income, country, education, daily cig, baseline quit intention Point estimates in 4 waves: Fair, mixed
salience—waves 1–2, 1.02; waves 2–3, 0.96; waves 3–4, 0.97; waves 4–5, 0.97; cognitive—waves 2–3, 1.28;* waves 3–4, 1.14;* waves 4–5, 1.16; forgoing—waves 1–2, 1.38;* waves 2–3, 1.23;* waves 3–4, 1.42;* waves 4–5, 1.30;* avoidance—waves 1–2, 1.17*; waves 2–3, 1.09; waves 3–4, 1.03;* waves 4–5, 1.03 Only CAN and AUS had PWCP
Shanahan and Elliott,34 AUS, 2000 and 2008 Repeated survey; n = 822 in 2000, n = 670 in 2008; smokers Tried to give up and have been successful for ≥ 1 mo or < 1 mo in past y Implementation of PWCP in 2006 χ2 test Proportions; no adjustments For ≥ 1 mo: 18% in 2000 vs 24% in 2008 (sig) Poor, positive
For < 1 mo: 21% in 2000 vs 26% in 2008 (sig) Cross-sectional surveys compared
Malouff et al.,39 AUS, no period reported RCT; n = 48 followed Stage change toward cessation (includes “action to quit such as stopping or decreasing use”) 27 exposed to text-only vs 29 exposed to text + PW; on computer screen once per week for 4 wk; stage toward cessation at baseline, end of trial (post exposure), 1 mo after (follow-up) Two-way ANOVA Mean stage-of-change score difference; adjusted for preexposure Stage change (including action-to- quit stage): postexposure, 2.59 (text) vs 3.04 (PW), P = .04; follow-up, 2.67 (text) vs 2.92 (PW), P > .05 Poor, mixed
Unclear whether attempt was included in “action to quit”
Azagba and Sharaf,42 CAN,1998–2008 Cohort panel; n = 1459 (6269 person-years) Smokers tried to quit in past 6 mo (yes–no) 3 exposure definitions: positive to PWCP (started January 2001) if (1) ≥ July 2001, (2) ≥ December 2001, (3) January–December 2001 GEE (population-averaged marginal effects of PCWC) Proportion, OR; adjusted for gender, age, education, income, marital and immigration status, job, residence, smoking bans, price, nicotine dependence Attempt: 1998, 30.1%; 2000, 34.6%; 2002, 40.2%; 2004, 33.1%; 2006, 34.6%; 2008, 29.6% Fair, positive
Scale 0–1 (January–June = 0, July = 0.1, August = 0.3, September = 0.5, October = 0.7, November = 0.9, December = 1.0) All, ≥ July 2001, OR = 1.32 (95% CI 1.18, 1.49); January–December 2001, OR = 1.33 (95% CI 1.18, 1.49) Population average effect rather than individual
Daily smokers: ≥ December 2001, OR = 1.33 (95% CI 1.17, 1.50); January–December 2001, OR = 1.33 (95% CI 1.17, 1.50)
Thrasher et al.,44 Mexico, 2010–2012 Retrospective-like cohort; n = 1765 Attempt to quit in previous year, but after PWCP was implemented Exposure (recall of having seen): PWCP (introduced September 25, 2010), media (only October 2010), PWCP + media (none); warnings were shown to assess recall (data collected from October 17, 2010–November 30, 2012) Logistic regression Proportion, OR; adjusted for age, income, civil status, education, gender, quit intention, smoking intensity, PWCP or media exposure OR (95% CI; % attempt during study period): no recall of exposure, Ref (6%); PWCP, 4.23 (2.05, 8.69; 17%); media, 1.85 (0.81, 4.21; 9%), PWCP and media, 1.63 (0.75, 3.54; 9%) Poor, positive
No effect of media, or PWCP and media; variable duration of exposure, based on cross-sectional data

Note. ANOVA = analysis of variance; AOR = adjusted odds ratio; AUS = Australia; BL = baseline; BLrisk = baseline risk; C = control; CAN = Canada; CI = confidence interval; cig = cigarette(s); GEE = generalized estimating equations; ITC =  International Tobacco Control; PW = pictorial warning; PWCP = pictorial warnings on cigarette packages; OR = odds ratio; Q = quartile; RCT = randomized clinical trial; SA = self-affirmation; sig = statistically significant.


Based on the total sum of points for study design (2 = RCT, 1 = cohort, 0 = other designs), outcome definition (2 = clear and complete, 1 = unclear or incomplete, 0 = unclear and incomplete), exposure definition (2 = appropriate PWCP, 1 = appropriate warning intended for printing or inappropriate PWCP, 0 = inappropriate warning), and statistical analyses (2 = pertinent or adjusted, 1 = not pertinent or unadjusted, 0 = not pertinent and unadjusted); studies were classified as of very poor (0–2), poor (3–4), fair (5–6), and good (7–8) quality.


According to the most relevant finding. Positive: statistically significant effect (P < .05) regardless of the association strength; null = no significantly positive effect; mixed = either positive or null results observed; and uncertain = results available precluded a meaningful conclusion.


Articles used similar or identical data for analyses.

*Significant on the basis of 95% CI or P < 0.05.