(A and B) DSC of pure SOPC/Chol 1:1 (mol:mol) (thermogram 1) and the same lipid mixtures with 2.5 mol % (2A or 2B), 5 mol % (3A or 3B), and 7.5 mol % (4A or 4B) TM31C or TM19, respectively. Scans are offset along the y axis for clarity of presentation. The scan rate was 1.5°C/min from 10°C to 50°C. The lipid concentration was 4 mM in 20 mM PIPES (pH 7.4), 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA. (C) Heating-cooling scans of 5 mol % TM31C- (thermograms 1 and 2) or TM19- (thermograms 3 and 4) induced changes when inserted into SOPC/Chol 1:1 (mol ratio). (D) DSC measurements of pure SOPC (thermogram 1) and mixtures with 7.5 mol % TM31C (thermogram 2) or TM19 (thermogram 3). Only cooling scans are shown in D.