Effects of repeated social defeat on (A) sucrose preference, (B) forced swim immobility, and (C) basal morning plasma corticosterone in FBGRKO-T29-1 and floxed GR mice, respectively measured on days 21, 23, and 30 days of control cage exposures (Control; white bars) or repeated social defeat (Defeat; gray bars) in Experiment 1. N= 8 (control FBGRKO-T29-1 and floxed GR mice) and 11 (defeated FBGRKO-T29-1 and floxed GR mice) except for sucrose preference, in which some measurements were lost to spillage (N= 7 control FBGRKO-T29-1 and floxed GR mice, 10 defeated floxed GR mice).
*, P < 0.05 vs. Control in the same genotype.