Figure 4. Serum IL8 tracks with platelet count.
Serum IL8 (median, range) as measured by the Milliplex assay in 2F9-treated (A; n=5) and isotype control (αYFA)-treated dogs (B; n=3) compared to platelet count. C. Serum IL8 levels in dogs with naturally-occurring thrombocytopenia are decreased compared to healthy control dogs. **P=0.0016 healthy dogs (n=8) compared to primary ITP (n=5); *P=0.0162 healthy compared to thrombocytopenia other (n=4); #P=0.0357 experimental ITP at time 0 (n=5) compared to control at time 0 (n=3) and experimental at 24 h (n=5) compared to control at 24 h (n=3). Time zero is when platelet count first fell to target nadir of 5-30 × 109 platelets/l or 1 h after isotype control administration. Horizontal lines denote median values. Secondary ITP (n=1) was not considered in statistical analysis. Healthy dogs were not compared with control or experimental dogs because healthy dogs were these same dogs at baseline; instead control and experimental were compared to each other at matching time points.