Table 1.
List of Hippo pathway members and their molecular function.
Human proteins | D. melanogaster protein | Protein function | Domain composition |
Core components | |||
MST1, MST2 | Hpo | Serine/threonine kinase, STE20 family | Kinase domain, SARAH domain |
SAV1 (also known as WW45) | Sav | Adaptor protein | FERM domain-binding motif, two WW domains, SARAH domain |
LATS1, LATS2 | Wts | Serine/threonine kinase, NDR family | Kinase domain |
MOB1A, MOB1B | Mats | Cofactor | MOB domain |
YAP, TAZ | Yki | Transcriptional co-activator | Two WW domains, 14-3-3 binding motif, TEAD-binding motif, PDZ-binding motif |
TEAD1–TEAD4 | Sd | Transcription factor | TEAD DNA-binding domain, vestigial binding domain |
Pathway modulators | |||
CRB1–CRB3 | Crb | Transmembrane receptor | EGF domains, four laminin AG domains, transmembrane domain |
PATJ, MUPP1 | Patj | Adaptor protein | Ribosomal protein L27, eight PDZ domains |
MPP5 (also known as PALS1) | Sdt | Adaptor protein | Ribosomal protein L27, PDZ domain, SH3 domain, GUK domain |
AMOT, AMOTL1, AMOTL2 | - | Adaptor protein | Coiled coil domain, PDZ binding motif |
NF2 | Mer | Adaptor protein | FERM domain |
KIBRA | Kibra | Adaptor protein | Two WW domains, C2 domain |
FRMD6 (also known as EX1) | Ex | Adaptor protein | FERM domain |
TAO1–TAO3 | Tao | Serine/threonine kinase | Kinase domain |
MARK1–MARK4 | Par-1 | Serine/threonine kinase | Kinase domain |
E-cadherin | E-cadherin | Transmembrane receptor | Five cadherin domains, transmembrane domain |
α-catenin | α-catenin | Adaptor protein | VH1–VH3 domains |
Ajuba, LIMD1, WTIP | Jub | Adaptor protein | Three LIM domains |
ZYX, LPP, TRIP6 | Zyx | Adaptor protein | Three LIM domains |
RASSF1-RASSF6 | Rassf | Adaptor protein | RAS association domain, SARAH domain |
PP2A | STRIPAK-PP2A complex (dSTRIPAK) | Phosphatase | Phosphatase domain |
SCRIB | Scrib | Adaptor protein | 16 LRR domains, 4 PDZ domains |
LGL1, LGL2 | Lgl | Adaptor protein | Four WD40 domains |
DLG1–DLG4 | Dlg | Adaptor protein | Three PDZ domains, SH3 domain, GUK domain |
PTPN14 | Pez | Phosphatase | FERM domain, phosphatase domain |
CSNK1 | Dco | Serine/threonine kinase | Kinase domain |
β-TRCP | Slimb | SCF-type E3 ubiquitin ligase | F-box domain, β-TRCP domain, WD40 domain |
HIPK | Hipk | Serine/threonine kinase | Kinase domain |
MASK1, MASK2 | Mask | Adaptor protein | Two ankyrin domains, KH domain |
WBP2 | Wbp2 | Cofactor | GRAM domain |
VGL4 | Tgi | Cofactor | Two tondu domains |
AMOT, angiomotin; AMOTL, angiomotin-like protein; β-TRCP, β-transducin repeat-containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase; CRB1, Crumbs homolog 1; CSNK1, casein kinase 1;D. melanogaster, Drosophila melanogaster; Dco, discs overgrown; Dlg, discs large; EGF, epidermal growth factor; Ex, Expanded; FERM, protein 4.1, ezrin, radixin and moesin; GUK, guanylyl kinase; HIPK, homeodomain-interacting protein kinase; Hpo, Hippo; KIBRA, kidney and brain protein; LATS1, large tumour suppressor homolog 1; Lgl, lethal giant larvae; LIMD1, LIM domain-containing protein 1; LPP, lipoma-preferred partner; LRR, leucine-rich repeat; MARK, MAP/ microtubule affinity-regulating kinase; MASK, multiple ankyrin repeats single KH domain-containing protein; Mats, Mob as tumour suppressor; Mer, Merlin; MOB1A, MOB kinase activator 1A; MPP5, membrane protein, palmitoylated 5; MST, mammalian STE20-like protein kinase; MUPP1, multiple PDZ domain protein 1; NDR, nuclear DEF2-related; NF2, neurofibromin 2; PATJ, PALS1-associated tight junction protein; PP2A, protein phosphatase 2A; PTPN14, protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 14; RASSF, RAS association domain-containing family protein; SARAH, Sav–Rassf-Hpo domain; SAV1, Salvador homolog 1; SCF, SKP1–cullin-1–F-box complex; SCRIB, Scribble; Sd, Scalloped; Sdt, Stardust; SH3, SRC homology 3; Slimb, supernumerary limbs; dSTRIPAK, Drosophila striatin-interacting phosphatase and kinase; TAO, thousand and one amino acid protein, TAZ, transcriptional co-activator with PDZ-binding motif; TEAD, TEA domain-containing sequence-specific transcription factor; Tgi, tondu domain-containing growth inhibitor; TRIP6, thyroid hormone receptor interactor 6; VGL4, vestigial-like protein 4; VH1, vinculin head 1; WBP2, WW domain-binding protein 2; WTIP Wilms’tumour 1 interacting protein; Wts, Warts; YAP, Yes-associated protein; Yki, Yorkie; ZYX, Zyxin.