Fig. 3. The role of RNA-binding by NP in the activity of vRNP-like complexes.
The accumulation of vRNA and mRNA following in vivo reconstitution of vRNPs from trimeric polymerase and varying lengths of segment 5-based vRNA-like templates in the presence of wild type or RNA binding mutant [G1(4)] NP was analysed by primer extension. NP was omitted as a negative control. The lengths of the vRNA-like gene segments (in nucleotides) are indicated above. The 1565 nucleotide long template represents full length segment 5 containing mutations to prevent expression of NP. Quantification was performed by phosphorimage analysis of three independent experiments. Analysis of the 5S rRNA levels served as an internal control. RNA levels detected in the negative control were set to 0. A graph depicting the vRNA and mRNA levels accumulating from each construct in the presence of mutant NP relative to those accumulating in the presence of wild type NP is shown. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean (SEM), and the asterisks indicate a significant difference from 1 (one sample t test; **P < 0.01).