Figure 2.
Hemoglobin type affects the intraerythrocytic multiplication factor (IMF) of the P. falciparum 3D7 line. Normalized cumulative distribution function (nCDF) plots of IMF values for 3D7 in normal (control) and hemoglobinopathic (α-thalassemia trait, β-thalassemia trait, HbAS, and HbSS) erythrocytes are shown. Lower and higher IMFs shift the curve to the left and right, respectively. Median IMFs of schizont populations correspond to nCDF values = 0.50. A, Distributions show that 3D7 schizonts produce fewer merozoites in both α- and β-thalassemia trait erythrocytes than in control erythrocytes. B, Distributions show that 3D7 schizonts produce more merozoites in both HbAS and HbSS erythrocytes than in control erythrocytes. Abbreviations: HbAS, hemoglobin A and S heterozygosity (individuals with sickle cell trait); HbSS, hemoglobin S homozygosity (individuals with sickle cell disease); thal, thalassemia.