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. 2012 Apr;72(4):305–310. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1280428

Table 1 Characteristics of the study population based on origin of the mother; accounting data from AOK Berlin, 2005–2007.

Turkish German p value
n % n %
Age of the mother (in years)
Under 25 483 28.0 674 38.0 < 0.001
25–34 970 56.2 824 46.5
Over 34 274 15.9 275 15.5
Method of delivery
Spontaneous 1 308 75.4 1 329 75.0 0.796
Forceps 111 6.4 131 7.4
Caesarian section 308 17.8 313 17.7
  • Primary

119 6.9 127 7.2
  • Secondary

174 10.1 169 9.5
  • Other

15 0.9 17 1.0
Yes 307 17.8 282 15.9 0.139
No 1 420 82.2 1 491 84.1
Above-average weight gain during pregnancy
Yes 77 4.5 56 3.2 0.044
No 1 650 95.5 1 717 96.8
Pre-eclampsia during pregnancy
Yes 562 32.5 483 27.2 < 0.001
No 1 165 67.5 1 290 72.8
Newborn baby overweight
Yes 54 3.1 56 3.2 0.957
No 1 673 96.9 1 717 96.8
Duration of pregnancy (in weeks)
5–13 25 1.5 48 2.7 < 0.001
14–19 13 0.8 26 1.5
20–25 15 0.9 24 1.4
26–33 19 1.1 46 2.6
34–36 53 3.1 83 4.7
37–41 1 401 81.1 1 257 70.9
41+ 178 10.3 190 10.7
No details given 23 1.3 99 5.6
Premature birth (< 26th week)
Yes 312 18.1 251 14.2 0.001
No 1 415 81.9 1 522 85.8