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. 2014 Jul 21;4(9):1717–1730. doi: 10.1534/g3.114.012294

Table 1. Description of the Coho salmon consensus linkage map constructed with haploid and diploid female parents and comparison with chromosome arms of Chinook salmon, rainbow trout, and Atlantic salmon.

Coho Linkage Group Size (cM) Number of Markers Coho Linkage Arms Chinook Chromosome (Philips et al. 2013; Brieuc et al. 2014) Rainbow Trout Chromosome (Philips et al. 2009; Brieuc et al. 2014) Atlantic Salmon Chromosome (Danzmann et al. 2008; Philips et al. 2009) Chromosomal Rearrangement Conserved Across Species
Co01 267.51 393 Co01a Ots02p Omy17p Ssa02q B, metacentric
Co01b Ots02q Omy17q Ssa12qb
Co02 248.6 344 Co02a Ots03p Omy03p Ssa02p B, metacentric
Co02b Ots03q Omy03q Ssa25
Co03 274.51 360 Co03a Ots04p Omy06p Ssa24 B, metacentric
Co03b Ots04q Omy06q Ssa26
Co04 250.26 395 Co04a Ots06p Omy01p Ssa16qa B, metacentric
Co04b Ots06q Omy01q Ssa18qa
Co05 268.59 376 Co05a Ots07p Omy07p Ssa17qb B, metacentric
Co05b Ots07q Omy07q Ssa22
Co06 267.8 415 Co06a Ots09p Omy12p Ssa13qb B, metacentric
Co06b Ots09q Omy12q Ssa03q
Co07 211.09 241 Co07a Ots11p* Omy19p Ssa04p B, metacentric
Co07b Ots11q Omy19q Ssa01p
Co08 295.21 382 Co08a Ots12p Omy11p&q Ssa20qa# C, metacentric
Co08b Ots12q Omy26 Ssa11qb
Co09 196.03 207 Co09a Ots15p Omy21p Ssa07p A, metacentric
Co09b Ots15q Omy21q Ssa07q
Co10 239.27 346 Co10a Ots01p Omy04p Ssa23
Co10b Ots27 Omy13q Ssa06q
Co11 280.26 419 Co11a Ots01q Omy23 Ssa01qa
Co11b Ots29 Omy15p Ssa29
Co12 215.12 286 Co12a Ots05p Omy08p Ssa15qa
Co12b Ots34** Omy10q Ssa08q
Co13 288.32 350 Co13a Ots05q Omy05q Ssa10qa
Co13b Ots23 Omy02p Ssa05q
Co14 270.54 356 Co14a Ots08p Omy25p Ssa09qa
Co14b Ots31 Omy14p Ssa14qb
Co15 282.89 355 Co15a Ots08q Omy25q (Omy29) Ssa09qb
Co15b Ots13q Omy27 Ssa20qb
Co16 211.31 220 Co16a Ots10p Omy09p Ssa18qb
Co16b Ots14p Omy18p Ssa16qb
Co17 181.92 292 Co17a Ots13p Omy18q Ssa27
Co17b Ots16q Omy09q Ssa15qb
Co18 209.02 323 Co18a Ots14q Omy24 Ssa09qc
Co18b Ots16p Omy11p Ssa19qa
Co19 217.65 315 Co19a Ots17 Omy15q Ssa17qa
Co19b Ots21 Omy14q Ssa05p
Co20 203.33 247 Co20a Ots24 Omy16p Ssa19qb
Co20b Ots32 Omy13p Ssa12qa
Co21 130.25 184 Co21 Ots18 Omy04q Ssa06p C, acrocentric
Co22 194.97 243 Co22 Ots19 Omy02q Ssa10qb C, acrocentric
Co23 212.27 213 Co23 Ots20 Omy05p Ssa01qb C, acrocentric
Co24 127.18 187 Co24 Ots22 Omy16q Ssa13qa C, acrocentric
Co25 171.35 196 Co25 Ots25 Omy20p+q SSa08p*** & Ssa28 A, acrocentric
Co26 184.21 225 Co26 Ots26 Omy22 Ssa21 A, acrocentric
Co27 164.56 198 Co27 Ots28 Omy28 Ssa03p B, acrocentric
Co28 169.82 214 Co28 Ots30 Omy10p Ssa04q C, acrocentric
Co29 173.74 181 Co29 Ots33 OmySex Ssa11qa B, acrocentric
Co30 189.15 218 Co30 Ots10q Omy08q Ssa14qa
Total 6596.7 8681

Linkage groups (Co) were randomly assigned numbers, and arm names are given as “a” and “b.” Homologous arms in Chinook salmon, rainbow trout, and Atlantic salmon are based on chromosome names for each species (Ots, Omy, and Ssa, respectively), with known orientations (p is the short arm, q is the long arm).


and ** denote inferred relationship. There were no markers in common between Co07a and Ots11p(*), and there are markers in common between Co12b and Ots34/Ots11p(**).


A chromosomal arm that is composed entirely of ribosomal DNA.

The final column designates chromosomal rearrangements conserved across species; letter corresponds to phylogenetic placement in Figure 5.

Incompletely resolved relationships between Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout according to published studies.


might include a section of Ssa19qa.