Fig. 4.
Structure of the cardiac thin filament in relaxation (A - C) and active contraction (E - H). Actin filament (light gray), with tropomyosin (dark gray) positions determined by EM-based reconstruction. Pointed end (towards M-line in a sarcomere) of the actin filament faces up. Orientations and positions of IT arm and NTnC are calculated as described in the text. Structure of IT arm is from 1J1D; CTnC is in red, TnI in blue and TnT in gold. Structure of NTnC in A - C is from 1SPY, and is in pink and yellow for orientations R1 (B) and R2 (C), respectively. Structure of NTnC in E - H is from 1MXL with orientations A1 to A3 shown in green (F), light purple (G) and magenta (H), respectively. B-C and F-H are a 90° azimuthal rotation compared with A and E, respectively. D, the Tn core complex of 1J1D is orientated according to the IT arm orientation. Note that no attempt has been made to estimate the azimuthal movement of the Tn on the filament surface because the present results give no information about the azimuthal angle.