Figure 2. dFOXO binding sites in adult gut and fat body.
A Enrichment of the P3 promoter sequences of the dInR locus in the chromatin samples prepared from RU486-fed S1106>GFP-dfoxo, RU486-fed S1106>dfoxo (mock for the anti-GFP IP), wild-type 7-day old females or 2-h serum-starved S2 cells, after IP with either anti-GFP antibody or anti-dFOXO antibody, as indicated. Enrichment is expressed relative to U6, as means ± SEM of three biological replicates of chromatin, except for S2 cells where three IPs were performed from the same chromatin sample. ANOVA on log-transformed data detected significant differences (p<10−3), and enrichment in S1106>GFP-dfoxo, after IP with anti-GFP antibody, was greater than all others (t-test, p<10−3). B ChIP-chip traces, showing the enrichment (log2-transformed) of the GFP-dFOXO-immunoprecipitated DNA over total chromatin, are averages of three biological repeats after subtraction of the mock and are shown over a region of chromosome 3R. Red denotes the enrichment associated with peak regions. C Summary of the regulatory relationships between dFOXO and the five TFs it directly induces in the adult gut. Arrows indicate transcriptional activation.