Resonance shifting agent structure and fields: (a) schematic of double-disk design (for clarity, non-magnetic spacer elements not shown) showing magnetizing B0 field (dark arrow) and resulting structure field (light arrows), (b) sample numerical calculation of the (negative) field magnitude profile in the horizontal mid-plane passing through a double-disk structure, showing uniformly shifted field magnitude between the disks, (c) sample histogram recording the magnetic field magnitudes (or equivalently, Larmor precession frequencies) surrounding a double-disk structure that shows the background water signal and the shifted spectral peak due to the double-disk structure; inset shows a blow-up around the shifted peak region. Calculations are for structures with disk radii r = 1 μm, center-to-center disk spacings 2s = 0.85 μm, and disk thickness h = 50 nm. They are assumed made from nickel with saturation magnetic polarization density of 0.6 T. (Reproduced with permission from Zabow et al., J. Micromech. Microeng. 2009)