Figure 3. Expansions in the absence of H4 HATs and HDACs occur during homology-mediated repair of (CAG)85 repeats.
(A)Fragility of YAC CF1 (Fig. 1A) with 85 or 155 CAG repeats, as indicated, was measured by fluctuation assays (Sundararajan, 2010). The average of a minimum of three replicates per strain background is shown with standard error (SEM); esa1 refers to the esa1-1851 allele. Statistical deviation from wildtype was tested by the Student’s t-test. (B) As in (A) except using strains with the indicated mutated histone copies on a plasmid, compared to a strain with the wildtype H3/H4 genes on a plasmid and 85 CAG repeats on the YAC. (C) CAG tract lengths were measured by the PCR-based stability assay (Fig. 1); *p<0.05 to wildtype, ^p<0.05 suppression from HAT or HDAC mutant, Fisher’s exact test. See also Tables S2 and S1.