Duplicate references (N = 209)
Not a randomised controlled trial (N = 68) or ongoing trial (N = 14)
Subjects were not asthmatics (N = 4)
No consistent intervention with inhaled corticosteroids in all subjects (N = 41)
Intervention was not regular inhaled long-acting ß2 agonists (N = 19)
Control intervention was not inhaled corticosteroids alone (N = 64)
Duration of intervention < 30 days (N = 45)
Outcomes measures did not reflect asthma control (N = 8)
The treatment and intervention groups compared the same medications either in combination or with different delivery devices (N = 30)
Co-intervention with non-permitted agent (n = 1)
Examination of the combination of long acting beta 2-agonist and inhaled corticosteroid to the same dose of inhaled corticosteroid alone (N = 49)