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. 2014 Aug 26;6(8):675–689. doi: 10.18632/aging.100686

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Model of metabolism control by NAMO and the circadian clock. (A) Feeding regimens affects NAMO but not the light-entrainable circadian clock. Schematic representation of daily changes in the expression of circadian clock controlled gene Bmal1 (dashed blue line), deptor (solid blue line) and phosphorylation of S6K1 on mTORC1-dependent T389 site (solid red line). AL (ad libidum), TR (time restricted) fed mice and F (fasting) mice. Numbers indicate peaks in the expression activity. Bmal1 expression has the same phase in both tissues under all three feeding regimens, while phases in the expression of deptor and mTORC1 activity are different in different tissues and for different feeding regimens. (B) The light-entrainable circadian clock and NAMO regulate metabolism through complementary pathways. In the brain there are two clock mechanisms: food anticipatory (FA) clock and light- circadian clock (CC). In the body there are also two clocks: NAMO and CC. Daily rhythms in NAMO dependent regulation of TORC1 and CC dependent regulation of glucose homeostasis and cell redox state will contribute to daily control of metabolism. Brain CC coordinates activity of CCs in the body. NAMO and FAO are entrained by feeding. If these three clock mechanisms (CC, NAMO and FAO) interact and coordinate their activities or not is unknown, but some experimental evidence exists that such interaction is possible. Solid black lines indicate established interaction and dashed red lines indicate potential interaction.