Fig. 5.
Flow cytometry measurement of fluorescent protein expression in A549 cells from T4-packaged plasmid mCherryC1–loxP DNA. (A) A fluorescent control shows that treatment of the Alexa 546-labeled T4 NPs (6), which were obtained by conjugating the dyes to the capsid proteins, produced a concentration-dependent shift in the fluorescent population. The rightward shift of the curves (red and blue traces) indicates a higher cell fluorescent intensity with a larger portion of fluorescent cells. SFM without the addition of any T4 NPs (black trace) served as a negative control. (B and C) A larger fluorescent cell population was observed in A549 cells treated with the 4.0E+9 Cre+ T4 procapsids (red trace in B) and 8.0E+9 T4 procapsids containing circular pmCherryC1–loxP (red trace in C) relative to SFM (black traces in B and C), indicating the expression of fluorescent mCherry protein in A549 cells from the packaged circular pmCherryC1–loxP DNA. (D) A549 cells treated with the linear DNA packaged in Cre− T4 NPs (red and blue traces) showed no difference in cell fluorescent intensity and population (i.e., no right shift) relative to cells treated with SFM (black trace).