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. 2014 Sep 22;5:361. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2014.00361

Table 3.

Studies of the efficacy of AHDs in OSA patients.

Study design n CPAP (Y/N) AHDs; dosage (mg/day) BP measurement BP outcome References
RCT; double-blinded; balanced incomplete block design (6 w each drug + 3 w washout) 40 No Atenolol (50); amlodipine (5); enalapril (20); hydrochlorothiazide (25); losartan (50) Office BP 24 h ABPM ↓ in office SBP and daytime ABPM NS for all drugs; Atenolol ↓ night-time 24 h SBP and DBP more effectively than amlodipine, enalapril or losartan Kraiczi et al., 2000
RCT; double-blinded; crossover schedule (8 w each drug + 2–3 w washout 15 No Atenolol (50); isradipine (2.5): hydrochlorothiazide (25); spirapril (6) Office BP Slight ↓ BP for all drugs; Only atenolol affected BP variability Salo et al., 1999
RCT; double-blinded; crossover (8 w each drug + 2–3 w washout 18 NA Atenolol (50); isradipine (2.5); hydrochlorothiazide (25); spirapril (6) 24 h ABPM ↓ mean 24 h SBP (except for HCTZ) ↓ mean 24 h DBP (for all drugs) NS ↓ mean night-time SBP and DBP (for all drugs) Pelttari et al., 1998
RCT (3 months each treatment) 75 Yes Treatment with at least 3 drugs at adequate doses, including a diuretic 24 h ABPM CPAP + AHDs regimen: ↓ 4.9 mmHg 24 h DBP; AHDs regimen alone: NS Lozano et al., 2010
RCT; single-blinded (3 w each regimen) 44 Yes Valsartan (160) + amlodipine (5–10) + hydrochlorothiazide (25) Office BP 24 h ABPM AHDs alone: ↓ office and 24 h SBP and DBP Additional ↓ in office BP and ambulatory BP monitoring (CPAP+ 3 AHDs) Litvin et al., 2013
RCT; crossover (8 w each treatment + 4 w washout) 23 Yes Valsartan (160) Office BP 24 h ABPM CPAP: ↓ 2.1 mmHg 24 h MBP and ↓ 1.3 mmHg night-time MBP (NS) VAL: ↓ 9.1 mmHg 24 h MBP and ↓ 6.1 mmHg night-time MBP Pépin et al., 2009
RCT (8 w) 12 No Spironolactone (25–50) added to current medication (mean number of AHDs: 4.3 (SD = 1.1) Office BP 24 h ABPM ↓ 17 mmHg 24 h SBP ↓ 10 mmHg 24 h DBP Gaddam et al., 2010
RCT; double-blinded (8 days) 12 NA Metoprolol (100); cilazapril (2.5) Office BP 24 h ABPM MET: ↓ 13 mmHg 24 h SBP and ↓ 5 mmHg 24 h DBP CIL: ↓ 13 mmHg 24 h SBP and ↓ 17 mmHg 24 h DBP Mayer et al., 1990
RCT; double-blinded; crossover (2 w each treatment + 3 w washout) 16 No Doxazosin (4–8); enalapril (10–20) 24 h ABPM DOX: ↓ 4.1 mmHg 24 h SBP and ↓ 5.1 mmHg 24 h DBP EN: ↓ 12.6 mmHg 24 h SBP and ↓ 8.9 mmHg 24 h DBP 24 h MBP: no differences between groups Zou et al., 2010
RCT; double-blinded; parallel group; single center (6 w) 31 No Nebivolol (5); valsartan (80) Office BP NEB: ↓ 14.6 mmHg SBP and ↓ 8.6 mmHg DBP VAL: ↓ 11.6 mmHg SBP and ↓ 8.9 mmHg DBP No differences between treatments Heitmann et al., 2010
RCT; prospective; crossover; parallel group (2 single doses of each drug + 2 w washout) 11 No Nifedipine slow-release (40); carvedilol (20) Office BP TSP method NIF: ↓ 24.2 mmHg mean SBP and ↓ 18.7 mmHg mean DBP CAR: ↓ 16 mmHg mean SBP and ↓ mean 8.6 mmHg DBP Kario et al., 2014
RCT; double-blinded; placebo-controlled (8 days) 23 NA Cilazapril (2.5) Invasive arterial BP (arteria brachialis) ↓ 10 mmHg MBP (vs. ↓ 4.3 mmHg MBP for placebo) Grote et al., 1994

ABPM, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; AHDs, antihypertensive drugs; BP, blood pressure; CAR, carvedilol; CIL, cilazapril; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; DOX, doxazosin; EN, enalapril; HCTZ, hydrochlorothiazide; MBP, mean blood pressure; MET, metoprolol; NA, information not available; NEB, nebivolol; NIF, nifedipine; NS, no significant effect; RCT, randomized controlled trials; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SD, standard deviation; TSP, trigger sleep BP monitoring; VAL, valsartan; w, week; ↓, decrease.