Fig. 3.
Arterial phase MR images obtained after intravenous injection of gadoxetic acid at rate of 0.5 mL/s.
A, B. 58-year-old man with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver cirrhosis. A. Arterial-phase three-dimensional gradient-echo (repetition time/echo time = 3.4/1.3 ms; flip angle = 13°) MR images obtained after intravenous injection of gadoxetic acid at rate of 1 mL/s show strong enhancement of abdominal aorta and small HCC (arrow) in right hepatic lobe. Both examiners identified lesion in image. B. Arterial-phase MR image in different transverse plane shows zebra effect of spleen, strong enhancement of abdominal aorta, and small HCC (arrow) in right hepatic lobe.