Figure 6. MAFG and its Corepressors Mediate CIMP in Other CRC Cell Lines and BRAF-Positive Human Tumor Samples.
(A) ChIP analysis monitoring binding of MAFG, BACH1, CHD8 and DNMT3B to representative CIMP gene promoters in VACO432 (left) and SW48 (right) cells.
(B) qRT-PCR analysis monitoring expression of representative CIMP genes in VACO432 (left) or SW48 (right) cells expressing a NS, MAFG, BACH1, CHD8 or DNMT3B shRNA.
(C) PAT-ChIP analysis monitoring binding of MAFG to representative CIMP gene promoters in matched adjacent normal (N) and BRAF-positive CRC human tumor (T) samples.
(D) Soft agar assay measuring colony formation of RKO cells expressing a NS, MAFG or CHD8 shRNA.
(E) Tumor formation assay. RKO cells expressing a NS, MAFG or CHD8 shRNA were subcutaneously injected into the flanks of nude mice (n=3), and tumor formation was measured. Data are represented as mean ± SD. *P≤0.05, **P≤0.01. See also Figure S6.