Fig 5. Induction of actin cytoskeletal changes using CRY2olig.
(a) Strategy for clustering Nck SH3 domains. (b) Cells expressing CRY2olig-mCh-Nck and GFP-actin in dark, or 60 min post blue light (500 ms pulse, 488nm, every 3 min). Scale bar, 20 μm. (c) Local photostimulation (within circle) of COS-7 cell expressing CRY2olig-mCh-Nck results in retraction of cell extension. Graph at right shows quantification of retraction (average and S.E.M., n = 16) in cells expressing CRY2olig-mCh-Nck, or controls CRY2olig-mCh or mCherryN1 45 min post initial light exposure. ***, p<0.001. ns, not significant (d) Cells expressing CRY2olig-mCh-VCA, CRY2olig, and GFP-actin in dark or 6 min post blue light (500 ms pulse, 488 nm, every 3 min). Inset images at right show detail within white square. Scale bar, 20 μm. (e) Stress fibers within cells expressing CRY2olig-GFP-VCA, CRY2olig, and mCherry-actin are disrupted with light exposure.