Fig. 4. Effects of stress on BLA spontaneous and miniature synaptic transmission.
(A) Representative traces for spontaneous EPSCs. Stressed mice showed a similar amplitude (B) and frequency (C) of spontaneous EPSCs, as compared to non-stressed controls (con). (D) Representative traces for spontaneous IPSCs. The amplitude (E) and frequency (F) of spontaneous IPSCs was similar between stressed and non-stressed mice. (G) Representative traces for miniature EPSCs. Stressed mice showed a similar amplitude (H) and frequency (I) of miniature EPSCs, relative to non-stressed controls. (J) Representative traces for miniature IPSCs. Stressed mice showed increased miniature IPSC amplitude (K), but not frequency (L), relative to non-stressed controls. Data are means ± SEM. *P < .05 stress versus non-stressed controls. n = 6–7 per group.