Table 2. Summary of outcomes: adverse events and withdrawals.
Study ID | Intervention | AnyAE | Serious AE | All cause withdrawal | LoE withdrawal | AE withdrawal |
Brohult 1973 |
no data | no data |
Worsening of disease:
Di Munno 1989 |
All had 500 mg calcium and 6-methylprednisolone |
no data | no data | no data |
Yamauchi 1989 |
Warner 2008 |
no data | no data |
no data |
AE - adverse event; LoE - lack of efficacy; PE - pulmonary embolus
Yamauchi 1989 reported that there were two participants with adverse events in the placebo groups. However, because there were three adverse event withdrawals in those group the number of participants with adverse events is given as three in the above table.