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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Sep 22.
Published in final edited form as: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Jun 16;(6):CD001318. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001318.pub2
Methods RCT
Participants 200 women with CIN undergoing knife cone biopsy
Interventions Lateral haemostatic sutures and interrupted sutures if indicated
Vaginal pack with Monsels solution
Outcomes Duration of surgical procedure
Operative blood loss
Primary haemorrhage
Secondary haemorrhage
Risk of bias
Item Authors’ judgement Description
Adequate sequence generation? Unclear Details about the sequence generation was not given, “Patients were randomly allocated to one or the other haemostatic method by opening one of a batch of sealed envelopes containing the appropriate instruction”
Allocation concealment? Yes “We performed the method allocation after the cone excision to ensure that previous knowledge of the haemostatic method could not influence the operator as to the size or shape of the cone”
All outcomes
Unclear Not reported
Incomplete outcome data addressed?
All outcomes
Yes For all outcomes:
% analysed: 200/205 (98%)
5 women did not wish to participate
Free of selective reporting? Unclear Insufficient information to permit judgement
Free of other bias? Unclear Insufficient information to assess whether an important risk of bias exists