The cartoon representation of the protein structure possessing the most frequently observed spatial arrangement of SSEs (d2ffga1) and five examples of its structural neighbors (d1go4a_, d1aopa3, dlrlha_, d2jfga2, and d2p12a1) are presented. This spatial arrangement of SSEs consists of four strands and two helices, which are highlighted by colors in each structure. In the structure of d2ffga1, the strands and helices are highlighted in blue and red, respectively. In the other structures, the colors of the strands and helices with the same chain direction as those in d2ffga1 are identical to those in d2ffga1. The helices and reverse strands with opposing directions are colored in salmon and cyan, respectively. The connectivity diagrams are also shown near the cartoon representations. The color scheme is the same as those for the cartoon representations. The TM-score(d2ffga1 example) calculated by the SQ, RW, and RR schemes is also shown.