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. 2007 Jul 18;2007(3):CD000270. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000270.pub2

Tyrer 1998.

Methods Allocation: randomised, sealed envelopes.
 Blindness: single (researchers).
 Follow up: 12 months.
Participants Diagnosis: schizophrenia (86), bipolar affective disorder (20), depressive disorder (24), other (25) (DSM‐III, ICD‐10, OPCRIT).
 History: >1 admission in last 3 years.
 Age: range 16‐65 years.
 Setting: urban.
Interventions 1. 'Community team': multidisciplinary community based team, treatment at home\other appropriate setting. N=82.
2. Standard hospital treatment: care plans & reviews organised from hospital base. N=73.
Outcomes Death**.
 Hospital admission.
 Leaving the study early.
 Days in hospital.
 Police contacts.
Unable to use ‐ 
 Mental state: BAS, CPRS, HADS, MADRAS (no SD).
 Social Function: SFQ (no SD).
 Global assessment: GAF (no SD).
 Costs of care. (no usable data).
Notes * Randomisation at point of discharge from hospital.
 ** 1 accidental death considered 'suspicious circumstances' for this review.
 Contact reviewer = trial author.
No data collected on patient satisfaction.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk B ‐ Unclear

 F1 psychosis = Medical Subject Heading Codes.
 ICD‐10 = 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases.
 OPD = Out patient department.
 SCL ‐ Syndrome Check List

Mental state
 BAS = Brief Rating Scale for Anxiety.
 BPRS = Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale.
 CPRS = Comprehensive Psychpathological Rating Scale.
 MADRAS = Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scale.
 OPCRIT = Operational Criterea for diagnosing Severe Mental Illness.
 PEF = Psychiatric Evaluation Form.
 PSE = Present State Examination (to measure clinical symptoms).

Family buden
 FEF = Family Evaluation Form.

 GAF = Global Assessment of Functioning
 HSRS = Health Sickness Rating Scale (to measure a persons functioning).
 PEF = Psychiatric Evaluation Form.
 SFQ = Social Functioning Questionaire.
 SFS = Social Functioning Schedule.