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. 2014 May 28;11(2):132–135.

Table 1.

The three cases with respective data regarding the injury and length of MMS usage.

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Age, Sex 92, female 69, male 68, female
Injury Open fracture right distal humerus Closed fracture right proximal humerus Dislocation left elbow
Hospital LOS 5 days 2 days 3 days
Reason for MMS use Lower limb arthritis Post CVA hemiplegia Chronic back pain
Location of fall Road beside house House driveway House porch
Duration of MMS usage before injury First use 3 weeks 6 weeks
Advice/training received None None None

Abbreviations: LOS - length of stay, MMS - motorised mobility scooter, CVA - cerebrovascular accident.