Figure 6.
Macrophage Myh9 is not required for developmental vasculogenesis by measures of angiogenesis, arteriogenesis, and collateral artery formation. (A–D) Isolectin B4 fluorescent micrographs of whole-mounted retina at P4 (bar, 500 µm), with magnified images (bar, 100 µm) of boxed areas (A), allowing for quantification of relative (to Myh9+/− controls) vascular area (B), relative vessel branch points (C), and relative vessel length (D; n = 6). (E and F) Micro-CT renal arteriograms at P7 (E; bar, 750 µm), quantified (F) as total number of vascular structures of specified diameters (n = 5). (G and H) Cy3-SMA immunostaining of brain whole mount sections (G; bar, 500 µm), displaying pial collateral arteries at P4, quantified (H) as mean number of collaterals per hemisphere (n = 7). Data are representative of at least 3 independent experiments with 2–3 mice in each treatment group. Quantitative data are displayed as mean ± SEM.