Panel (a). Slippage by mtRNAP and SP6 RNAP. Transcription by mtRNAP (left side) and SP6 RNAP (right side) was carried out for 20 min at 37 °C in the presence of ATP, GTP, UTP, α-[32P]-GTP, and CTP added to concentrations of 400, 200, 100, 50, 25, 13, 6, 3, and 0 µM (left to right). The templates encoding U10 runs in the variable region were prepared as in Fig. 2a except a consensus yeast mitochondrial promoter or SP6 promoter were provided for corresponding enzymes. The transcripts formed were resolved by 16 % denaturing PAGE; expected run-off and slippage products are indicated.
Panel (b). Termination by mtRNAP. Templates carrying a WT and altered TΦ termination signal were prepared as in Fig. 3b except a consensus mitochondrial promoter was used upstream of the signals instead of a T7 promoter (see scheme on top). Multiple round transcription reactions with the templates indicated were performed in the presence of Rpo41p (mtRNAP), Mtf1p, ATP, CTP, GTP, UTP, and α-[32P]-GTP in transcription buffer for 15 min at 30 °C and resolved by 20 % PAGE. Run-off transcripts and termination products are marked on the left and the termination efficiency is indicated under each lane.