Figure 3. Reactivity of sera from an expanded cohort of subjects (n = 400) with selected BSA-peptide conjugates.
Reflectance values obtained with sera from healthy subjects [PPD- (blue), PPD+ (light green), PPD unknown (red); n = 98], close and household contacts of infectious TB patients (pink; n = 80); non-TB lung disease patients [NTBLD (light blue); n = 26], HIV-positive, TB negative patients (green; n = 72); HIV-positive, smear positive TB patients (orange; n = 14) and non-HIV sputum smear-positive TB patients [SPTB (purple); n = 110] tested for reactivity to BSA-peptide conjugates (A) P1, (B) P6 and (C) P7 on lateral flow are plotted. Dashed lines indicate mean reflectance of the 98 healthy subjects plus 2.5 times the standard deviation which was used as cut-off to determine specificity in non-TB subjects and sensitivity in TB patients. Reflectance values exceeding 10.0 were plotted at 10.0.